Welcome to our journey. On March 9th, 2009, our 11 year old daughter tested positive for Systemic Scleroderma, a rare autoimmune disease.

As we follow Kara's health very closely, watching for and treating symptoms, but anticipating healing, we hope that through our journey, you will become our prayer partner, you will be encouraged and find hope in your own circumstances.

"As for me, I will always have hope, I will praise you more and more."
~Psalm 71:14 NIV

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No news is good news!

My mother-in-law has always said, "No news is good news." I hope you have all subscribed to that over the last couple of months since my last update. Although, I am realizing now that I have deprived you of GREAT news during a time when we all need it!

We found out in June that Kara's Pediatric Rheumatologist was making the transistion to Pediatrics in general. This was GREAT news because that eliminates one whole doctor from our team...now her Pediatrician is also her Rheumatologist! YAY, we save a copay and other input! LOL

In July, Kara tolerated our Teen Girl Ministries Road Trip to Disneyland very well! It was an exhausting time but she had a fabulous time...even riding on the bus!

July also began our many follow-up appointments. Here Gastro and Rheumy gave her a quick thumbs up, then we saw her Pulmonologist. This was a first time work-up for her Scleroderma and a follow-up for her asthma. The dr. put her back on her rescue inhaler and scheduled a full set of Pulmonary Functioning Tests to check her lungs. This was the last baseline of testing we really wanted to have done, and also the last organ that needed to be checked for peace of mind. All of her doctors agreed that they were curious to see how she tolerates school.

So, August poofed and yesterday was her final follow-up with her Pulmonologist for the results of the PFTs and........................

Not only did God decide to protect her lungs and they showed no sign of Scleroderma damage but...He healed her of her asthma!!! That's right, her lungs are functioning at 105% capacity!! Praise the Lord!! WOOHOO!

So, now she will have follow-ups every 6 months and will have all of the tests re-run annually. This will allow us to jump on anything that could possibly come up.

She is back on the volleyball team at her school and plans to play basketball in the Spring and tennis in the Summer. She isn't so excited that she now has the thumbs up to run the mile, but she'll muscle through it and do well.

I am so grateful for your prayers. Kara told me that she has been comforted many times just knowing how many people were praying for her. As a family, we have needed those prayers. This has been a very stressful year for us, but God has been so gracious through it all. He is so good to his children!

When I began this blog, God gave me a scripture that is in the sidebar on the left. In all of this, we will "always have hope and praise you more and more." Psalm 71:14