Welcome to our journey. On March 9th, 2009, our 11 year old daughter tested positive for Systemic Scleroderma, a rare autoimmune disease.

As we follow Kara's health very closely, watching for and treating symptoms, but anticipating healing, we hope that through our journey, you will become our prayer partner, you will be encouraged and find hope in your own circumstances.

"As for me, I will always have hope, I will praise you more and more."
~Psalm 71:14 NIV

Monday, July 6, 2009

The latest...

I am so sorry it has been so long since my last post. Just remember, no news is good news. That's right...it's lots of good news...

Kara's heaviness in her abdomin is completely gone. The morphea spot on her leg is gone. Her fatigue has diminished significantly since we began treating her thyroid. Her weight gain has stopped and the puffiness in her face is gone.

She was my sidekick at Stars Camp and kept up pretty well. She needed alot of sleep when we got home, but she was up for the adventure walk and didn't miss breakfast or swimming while we were there. It was great to have her there to thank so many of the churches that have been praying for her.

Tonight she had pain again in her abdomin for the first time in a long while, but it seems to be her GI tract. She hadn't eaten well today, then delayed her dinner which left her with a pretty bad tummy ache while walking the dogs with her sister. It was so bad I had to go pick her up, get her home and get food in her quickly. It subsided within an hour or so. I guess she had to test the boundaries...normal for any of us.

Kara has a few upcoming follow-up appointments and labs to do in the next few weeks. We anticipate all good news. Thank you for your continued prayers...we serve a faithful God!!

"All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant." Psalm 25:10 NIV